Custom Maid Spin for New World Disorder  
Political Dust Storms, Corrosive Money and Slick Oil
Published by CAL Books
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789889766689
Pages: 0


ISBN: 9789889766689 Price: INR 734.99
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We the Maids, For the Maids, By the Maids - we are the maids that clean up and pay for America's geopolitical mess.

A political manifesto for our difficult and troubled times, Custom Maid Spin for New World Disorder is a trenchant analysis of the political, social and moral ills that beset the United States. This is a book written for anyone with a stake in the future of America.

Filled with witty personal anecdotes drawn from his experiences as a lawyer, a businessman and a political activist, de Krassel argues that America desperately needs to reform. He takes particular aim at the country's career politicians, sensationalist media and jingoistic culture. And he suggests ways in which America can put its house in order.

The first chapter, The Hypocrisy of Fake Morality with Real Orgasms, examines how American journalists have increasingly focused on frivolous stories about the sex lives of public figures rather than the real issues affecting the country. In the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, for example, more time was spent by the American media chasing the Monica Lewinsky affair than tackling difficult topics like the rise of Islamic extremism abroad or the long overdue need for campaign finance reform.

Further chapters cover racism and bigotry, religion, America's great opportunity in the new millennium, the breakdown of family structures, spin and disinformation. The book concludes with an exhortation to a return to the principles of the Founding Fathers.

A new millennium offers a unique opportunity for change. It is a chance for Americans to retake control of their political system and reassess their values in an increasingly religious, stressed-out, debt-laden, consumerist society.

Peter de Krassel was born in England of a Russian father and Palestinian Jewish mother. He has lived all over the world, including Switzerland, Israel and the United States. Currently he lives in Hong Kong. He has a unique perspective on world events both from the influences of the places he's lived in and the people he has met, as well as from his varied career.
We the Maids, For the Maids, By the Maids - we are the maids that clean up and pay for America's geopolitical mess.

A political manifesto for our difficult and troubled times, Custom Maid Spin for New World Disorder is a trenchant analysis of the political, social and moral ills that beset the United States. This is a book written for anyone with a stake in the future of America.

Filled with witty personal anecdotes drawn from his experiences as a lawyer, a businessman and a political activist, de Krassel argues that America desperately needs to reform. He takes particular aim at the country's career politicians, sensationalist media and jingoistic culture. And he suggests ways in which America can put its house in order.

The first chapter, The Hypocrisy of Fake Morality with Real Orgasms, examines how American journalists have increasingly focused on frivolous stories about the sex lives of public figures rather than the real issues affecting the country. In the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks, for example, more time was spent by the American media chasing the Monica Lewinsky affair than tackling difficult topics like the rise of Islamic extremism abroad or the long overdue need for campaign finance reform.

Further chapters cover racism and bigotry, religion, America's great opportunity in the new millennium, the breakdown of family structures, spin and disinformation. The book concludes with an exhortation to a return to the principles of the Founding Fathers.

A new millennium offers a unique opportunity for change. It is a chance for Americans to retake control of their political system and reassess their values in an increasingly religious, stressed-out, debt-laden, consumerist society.

Peter de Krassel was born in England of a Russian father and Palestinian Jewish mother. He has lived all over the world, including Switzerland, Israel and the United States. Currently he lives in Hong Kong. He has a unique perspective on world events both from the influences of the places he's lived in and the people he has met, as well as from his varied career.
Table of contents
  • Cover Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • The New World Disorder
  • Sources and Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: American Axis Hypocrisy, Knowledge Less & Apathy A Post 9/11 Trilogy
  • HYPOCRISY Political Dust Storms, Corrosive Money, and Slick Oil
  • Chapter One: The Hypocrisy of Fake Morality With Real Orgasms
  • Chapter Two: Living Cultural Contradictions
  • Chapter Three: Fundamental Religious Crusades
  • Chapter Four: Karma, Luck and Timing Gambling For Change
  • Chapter Five: Eve Dominates Adam’s Harem Until Life Do Us Part
  • Chapter Six: Managed Misperception Spun Out of Control
  • Chapter Seven: Outlaw Self-Subsidizing Career Politicians and Lawyers
  • Chapter Eight: Down on Main Street
  • Author’s Note
  • Invitation
  • CALMaid Membership Application
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