Book describes technical aspects of the Russo-Japanese Naval War. Contains descriptions of all involved ships, Russian and Japanese ones. Maps, photos.
Front Cover
List of Ships’ names
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
01 | Genesis of the conflict
02 | Opponents
| Port Arthur
03 |Beginning of warfare
04 | Battle of Chemulpo
05 | The first attack on the Port Arthur squadron and the battle of Port Arthur - 9 February 1904
06 | Russian mining operations in the Port Arthur area in February 1904
07 | Further attacks on Russian ships in Port Arthur and the first effort of “corking” the base by blockships
08 | Landing of the Japanese I Army in Korea and the battle on the Yalu river
09 | First bombardment of Port Arthur by the Japanese navy
10 | Second bombardment of Port Arthur by the Japanese navy
11 | The second attempt at “corking” the base by blockships
12 | The sinking of the battleship Petropavlovsk and death of Vice Admiral Makarov
13 | Redeployment of the Japanese II Army to Korea and Manchuria
14 | The third attempt to “cork” Port Arthur with blockships
15 | The “black week” of the Japanese navy at Port Arthur
16 | The beginning of the Port Arthur blockade
17 | An attempt to break the Port Arthur blockade and the battle of Wafangou
18 | First attempt to break the Port Arthur blockade
19 | Battle on the outskirts of Port Arthur
20 | July – battles in Manchuria and the sinking of the gunboat Sivuch
21 | The assault on the Russian positions at the Dagushan and Siaogushan hills in the foreground of Port Arthur
22 | The second attempt to break through the blockadeof Port Arthur
23 | The Russian ships that broke through the blockade in the Yellow Sea
24 | Japanese assaults on Port Arthur
25 | The battles of Laoyang and the River Shahe in Manchuria
26 | The sea blockade of Port Arthur after the battle of the Yellow Sea
27 | Mining operations outside Port Arthur
28 | The defeat of the Port Arthur fleet and the fall of the fortress
29 | Land operations in Manchuria from January to March 1905, the battles of Sandepu and Mukden
| Japanese navy scale drawings
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Book describes technical aspects of the Russo-Japanese Naval War. Contains descriptions of all involved ships, Russian and Japanese ones. Maps, photos.
Table of contents
Front Cover
List of Ships’ names
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
01 | Genesis of the conflict
02 | Opponents
| Port Arthur
03 |Beginning of warfare
04 | Battle of Chemulpo
05 | The first attack on the Port Arthur squadron and the battle of Port Arthur - 9 February 1904
06 | Russian mining operations in the Port Arthur area in February 1904
07 | Further attacks on Russian ships in Port Arthur and the first effort of “corking” the base by blockships
08 | Landing of the Japanese I Army in Korea and the battle on the Yalu river
09 | First bombardment of Port Arthur by the Japanese navy
10 | Second bombardment of Port Arthur by the Japanese navy
11 | The second attempt at “corking” the base by blockships
12 | The sinking of the battleship Petropavlovsk and death of Vice Admiral Makarov
13 | Redeployment of the Japanese II Army to Korea and Manchuria
14 | The third attempt to “cork” Port Arthur with blockships
15 | The “black week” of the Japanese navy at Port Arthur
16 | The beginning of the Port Arthur blockade
17 | An attempt to break the Port Arthur blockade and the battle of Wafangou
18 | First attempt to break the Port Arthur blockade
19 | Battle on the outskirts of Port Arthur
20 | July – battles in Manchuria and the sinking of the gunboat Sivuch
21 | The assault on the Russian positions at the Dagushan and Siaogushan hills in the foreground of Port Arthur
22 | The second attempt to break through the blockadeof Port Arthur
23 | The Russian ships that broke through the blockade in the Yellow Sea
24 | Japanese assaults on Port Arthur
25 | The battles of Laoyang and the River Shahe in Manchuria
26 | The sea blockade of Port Arthur after the battle of the Yellow Sea
27 | Mining operations outside Port Arthur
28 | The defeat of the Port Arthur fleet and the fall of the fortress
29 | Land operations in Manchuria from January to March 1905, the battles of Sandepu and Mukden