A book of essays, accompanied by illustrations, that give a revealing insight into the forthright and often controversial views of Charles Saatchi on a wide-ranging number of topics.
Child abuse? Guilty on all counts.
Your last meal on Death Row.
God only knows. Have we failed Him, or has He failed us?
How nuts is your shrink?
My love affair with Orson Welles.
Politicians are not hypocrites.
The hideousness of the art world.
Green with vanity.
Growing old is better than not.
Smoking is a dying art.
What would Turner do?
Socializing for party duds.
Are museums fooling the public, or themselves?
Would you rather keep fit, or keep alive?
Love may be blind, but marriage is an eye-opener.
Take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Good is the enemy of great?
Was Rothko closer to God than us?
The Beatles didn’t create Beatlemania. It was Franz Liszt.
Could you draw an accurate map of Europe from memory?
The jet set have flown away.
Advertising is easy money for school dropouts.
Lucky for me, there’s no justice in this world.
Being thick is no obstacle to being a successful artist.
Lobbying for beginners.
The poorer you are at poker, the richer you are in friends.
I miss the Mafia.
War doesn’t determine who’s right, war determines who’s left.
Is the theatre clapped out?
Your tour guide to artist studios.
Even vegetarians eat cellulose.
Crippled by cliché.
People don’t spit at women wearing leather.
This is no time to make new enemies.
There are worse writers than me, published every day.
If it can’t be explained by science, try a séance.
Art fairs are not fair to art.
Too many cock-ups to remember, but one I never forget.
Is good luck or bad luck passed on genetically?
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
Ancient Romans didn’t throw-up their food in vomitoria.
It takes a brave man not to be a hero in the Red Army.
Having the memory of a goldfish is probably better than having mine.
There is no future living in the past.
Modern art can make you sick.
Man bites mosquito.
Not all conspiracy theories can be crackpot, can they?
Is it only perverts that download sex filth on to their computers?
Seven Deadly Sins vs. Seven Heavenly Virtues.
I am not as old as I look.
Are children today more advanced than we were?
What’s the best age to become an art star? 4? Or 94?
It isn’t business. It’s just personal.
Painting is a blind man’s profession.
What is the most painful memory you have?
London’s Olympics — best enjoyed abroad.
Interesting facts to bore a bore with.
which is the worst phobia, fear of spiders or fear of cocktail parties?
Knowing yourself well, would you choose you as a friend?
Do you have a toilet face?
Isn’t everybody schizophrenic, or is it just me?
Love means forever having to say you’re sorry.
The sword is mightier than the pen.
Comments should not be blank
A book of essays, accompanied by illustrations, that give a revealing insight into the forthright and often controversial views of Charles Saatchi on a wide-ranging number of topics.
Table of contents
Child abuse? Guilty on all counts.
Your last meal on Death Row.
God only knows. Have we failed Him, or has He failed us?
How nuts is your shrink?
My love affair with Orson Welles.
Politicians are not hypocrites.
The hideousness of the art world.
Green with vanity.
Growing old is better than not.
Smoking is a dying art.
What would Turner do?
Socializing for party duds.
Are museums fooling the public, or themselves?
Would you rather keep fit, or keep alive?
Love may be blind, but marriage is an eye-opener.
Take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
Good is the enemy of great?
Was Rothko closer to God than us?
The Beatles didn’t create Beatlemania. It was Franz Liszt.
Could you draw an accurate map of Europe from memory?
The jet set have flown away.
Advertising is easy money for school dropouts.
Lucky for me, there’s no justice in this world.
Being thick is no obstacle to being a successful artist.
Lobbying for beginners.
The poorer you are at poker, the richer you are in friends.
I miss the Mafia.
War doesn’t determine who’s right, war determines who’s left.
Is the theatre clapped out?
Your tour guide to artist studios.
Even vegetarians eat cellulose.
Crippled by cliché.
People don’t spit at women wearing leather.
This is no time to make new enemies.
There are worse writers than me, published every day.
If it can’t be explained by science, try a séance.
Art fairs are not fair to art.
Too many cock-ups to remember, but one I never forget.
Is good luck or bad luck passed on genetically?
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
Ancient Romans didn’t throw-up their food in vomitoria.
It takes a brave man not to be a hero in the Red Army.
Having the memory of a goldfish is probably better than having mine.
There is no future living in the past.
Modern art can make you sick.
Man bites mosquito.
Not all conspiracy theories can be crackpot, can they?
Is it only perverts that download sex filth on to their computers?
Seven Deadly Sins vs. Seven Heavenly Virtues.
I am not as old as I look.
Are children today more advanced than we were?
What’s the best age to become an art star? 4? Or 94?
It isn’t business. It’s just personal.
Painting is a blind man’s profession.
What is the most painful memory you have?
London’s Olympics — best enjoyed abroad.
Interesting facts to bore a bore with.
which is the worst phobia, fear of spiders or fear of cocktail parties?
Knowing yourself well, would you choose you as a friend?