Wisdom at the Crossroads  
The Life and Thought of Michael Paul Gallagher SJ
Author(s): Thomas G Casey
Published by Messenger Publications
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9781788124546
Pages: 0



ISBN: 9781788124546 Price: INR 507.99
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Wisdom at the Crossroads is an introduction to the life and thought of the gifted Jesuit priest, theologian, author and educator, Michael Paul Gallagher SJ (1939-2015). It follows his journey from the simplicity of an Irish rural childhood to the more complex world he soon encountered. That changing world prompted him to think deeply about the question of faith in our times, the effects of a shifting culture on our perceptions, and the challenge of unbelief and atheism as it manifests itself today. The book illuminates Michael Paul’s rare gift – both in personal conversation and in the written word – of helping people to move from a detached consideration of faith to an awareness of what was deepest in their own hearts, for it was from that hidden layer of wonder that he believed the journey of faith could unfold. Being attuned to the depths in his own heart, he was able to identify the liberating wavelength in the lives of others and in the culture of our time, awakening many people to a vision that healed them into hope.
Wisdom at the Crossroads is an introduction to the life and thought of the gifted Jesuit priest, theologian, author and educator, Michael Paul Gallagher SJ (1939-2015). It follows his journey from the simplicity of an Irish rural childhood to the more complex world he soon encountered. That changing world prompted him to think deeply about the question of faith in our times, the effects of a shifting culture on our perceptions, and the challenge of unbelief and atheism as it manifests itself today. The book illuminates Michael Paul’s rare gift – both in personal conversation and in the written word – of helping people to move from a detached consideration of faith to an awareness of what was deepest in their own hearts, for it was from that hidden layer of wonder that he believed the journey of faith could unfold. Being attuned to the depths in his own heart, he was able to identify the liberating wavelength in the lives of others and in the culture of our time, awakening many people to a vision that healed them into hope.
Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • Preface: Unique Intellectual
  • Introduction: Wavelengths And Crossroads
  • Chapter One: The First Forty Years
  • Chapter Two: Unbelief
  • Chapter Three: Culture
  • Chapter Four: Poetic And Literary Perspectives
  • Chapter Five: The Sense Of Wonder
  • Chapter Six: Imagination
  • Chapter Seven: Freedom
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