They Called Themselves the Battling Bastards of Bataan  
Published by Monroe Publications
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9780998889351
Pages: 0


ISBN: 9780998889351 Price: INR 166.99
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This fully-illustrated account details all the major battles, decisions, and outcomes as the Japanese military sought to collapse the United States' principal military enclave in East Asia and seize a country rich in natural and human resources for their Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere. The planned 50-day campaign took 133 days because they underestimated the grit of their foes. Despite horrendous conditions, lack of air support, food, and medicine, sheer grit compelled the Americans and Filipinos not to give up, even if the rest of the world had given up on them.
This fully-illustrated account details all the major battles, decisions, and outcomes as the Japanese military sought to collapse the United States' principal military enclave in East Asia and seize a country rich in natural and human resources for their Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere. The planned 50-day campaign took 133 days because they underestimated the grit of their foes. Despite horrendous conditions, lack of air support, food, and medicine, sheer grit compelled the Americans and Filipinos not to give up, even if the rest of the world had given up on them.
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