Arise, Warrior. You were created for more!
A new era is upon us. We can no longer play the games of the past. Total transparency, honor, trust, and faith will be the norm for those who want to live and lead extraordinary lives. Deep conviction and devotion will be the fuel that drives us forward, rather than the superficial striving and competition we have come to know so well.
This new world will require a new type of warrior: grounded, calm, fierce with purpose, and embodying the leadership that comes from being in service to the spirit of God.
It’s time to learn to fight differently—not as a warrior of the world, but as a warrior of the heart.
In this book, Christine Jewell shares her proven blueprint for transforming your relationship to life, love, and faith. Leading from the heart, upgrading your weapons, and understanding the true nature of the battle at hand ... these are the keys to the Kingdom that was promised, and the secrets to unlock the fulfilling, passionate, purposeful life you have always known was possible.
Let the journey begin!