Small Wars and Skirmishes  
Author(s): Edwin Herbert
Published by Foundry
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9781901543346
Pages: 0


ISBN: 9781901543346 Price: INR 2120.99
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This is the first of a two volume series covering early twentieth century colonial campaigns in Africa, Asia and the Americas, ranging from Mexico and the Philippines to Africa and the North West Frontier.

The text covers the political background to each conflict or "police" action and provides a brief campaign narrative accompanied by details of the organisation, tactics, dress and arms of the protagonists.

There are 254 line drawings of warriors and soldiers and 34 maps of the various scenes of conflict.
This is the first of a two volume series covering early twentieth century colonial campaigns in Africa, Asia and the Americas, ranging from Mexico and the Philippines to Africa and the North West Frontier.

The text covers the political background to each conflict or "police" action and provides a brief campaign narrative accompanied by details of the organisation, tactics, dress and arms of the protagonists.

There are 254 line drawings of warriors and soldiers and 34 maps of the various scenes of conflict.
Table of contents
  • Cover Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • I. Expansion into the hinterland
    • 1. Introduction: definition and characteristics of small wars
    • 2. US campaigns against the Moros in the Southern Philippines 1902-13
    • 3. US campaigns against the Pulahanes in the Northern Philippines 1902-7
    • 4. The Banana War era: US small wars in Central America 1902-14
    • 5. Portuguese West Africa: the Bailundo expedition 1902
    • 6. Portuguese East Africa: the Barue expedition 1902
    • 7. The Dutch in the East Indies 1904-8
    • 8. In darkest Africa: the Belgian Force Publique in Zandeland 1904-5
    • 9. Lugard's conquest of Hausaland 1903
    • 10. British campaigns against the Warrior Mullah in the Horn of Africa 1902-14
    • 11. The British mission to Tibet 1904
    • 12. British East Africa: the expedition against the Nandi 1905-6
    • 13. The Zulu Rebellion 1906
    • 14. The Zakha Khel and Mohmand expeditions on the North-West Frontier 1908
    • 15. Skirmishes in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1910-14
    • 16. The British expedition against the Abors on the North-East Frontier 1911-12
    • 17. The Herero and Nama Rebellion in German South-West Africa 1904-7
    • 18. The Maji Maji Rebellion in German East Africa 1905-6
    • 19. The German penetration of Cameroon 1904-12
    • 20. American intervention in Mexico 1910-14
    • 21. The First Italo-Sanusi War 1911-17
    • 22. The pacification of French Morocco 1903-14
    • 23. The Kert expedition in Spanish Morocco 1911-12
    • 24. French Equatorial Africa: the conquest of Wadai 1909-12
  • II. Small incidents in a Great War
    • 25. The Sanusi invasion of Egypt 1915-16
    • 26. The Arab revolt against the Turks 1916-18
    • 27. The British expedition to Dar Fur in Western Sudan 1916
    • 28. French West Africa: the Tuareg Revolt in the Southern Sahara 1916-17
    • 29. Pershing's pursuit of Pancho Villa 1916
    • 30. British operations in Persia: the siege of Shiraz 1918
  • III. A policeman's lot
    • 31. The Dinshaway Incident in Egypt 1906
    • 32. Baule Resistance to the French, Ivory Coast 1909-11
    • 33. The Blue Sultan of Spanish Sahara 1910-18
    • 34. Back to Africa: the American Intervention in Liberia 1912
    • 35. The 1912 Rebellion in Northern Rwanda (German East Africa)
    • 36. The Giriama War in Kenya 1914-15
    • 37. Shakespear of Arabia 1915
    • 38. John Chilembwe and the 'Watch Tower' Rising in Nyasaland 1915
    • 39. Mutiny of the 5th Native Light Infantry at Singapore 1915
    • 40. Revolt in Bussa, Northern Nigeria 1915
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