The Mindful Our Father  
Author(s): Thomas G Casey
Published by Messenger Publications
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9781788125802
Pages: 0


ISBN: 9781788125802 Price: INR 536.99
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The Lord’s Prayer is a simple prayer that goes back to Jesus. But even though it has been around for a long time, we no longer know how to pray it as it should be prayed. We grow up saying this prayer in a hurried way, we continue to recite it in a rush, and we risk dying without ever waking up to its richness. This book slows things down, in order to help us recognize something of the richness of this great prayer. There is a real need to reflect and meditate on each phrase of the Our Father, to ‘chew’ on the words as a cow would chew on the cud, to find the marrow of meaning, and so discover true nourishment. It is like digging for hidden treasure. Each chapter approaches a particular phrase of the Our Father from multiple perspectives, in order to facilitate a deepening level of engagement with its richness. By going through the Lord’s Prayer phrase by phrase, it is possible to taste something of the unique flavour of each line. Every chapter includes moving stories which throw a new spotlight on the marvellous riches concealed in this familiar prayer. Each chapter also includes short prayers based on the Lord’s Prayer, prayers that get us in touch with the depth and breadth of this foundational prayer. Once we translate the spiritual wisdom of the Lord’s Prayer into the personal language of our experience, we shall be led to a unique encounter with the God who yearns for us more than we could ever yearn for him.
The Lord’s Prayer is a simple prayer that goes back to Jesus. But even though it has been around for a long time, we no longer know how to pray it as it should be prayed. We grow up saying this prayer in a hurried way, we continue to recite it in a rush, and we risk dying without ever waking up to its richness. This book slows things down, in order to help us recognize something of the richness of this great prayer. There is a real need to reflect and meditate on each phrase of the Our Father, to ‘chew’ on the words as a cow would chew on the cud, to find the marrow of meaning, and so discover true nourishment. It is like digging for hidden treasure. Each chapter approaches a particular phrase of the Our Father from multiple perspectives, in order to facilitate a deepening level of engagement with its richness. By going through the Lord’s Prayer phrase by phrase, it is possible to taste something of the unique flavour of each line. Every chapter includes moving stories which throw a new spotlight on the marvellous riches concealed in this familiar prayer. Each chapter also includes short prayers based on the Lord’s Prayer, prayers that get us in touch with the depth and breadth of this foundational prayer. Once we translate the spiritual wisdom of the Lord’s Prayer into the personal language of our experience, we shall be led to a unique encounter with the God who yearns for us more than we could ever yearn for him.
Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: The Opening Words
  • Chapter 2: Who Art in Heaven
  • Chapter 3: Hallowed Be Thy Name
  • Chapter 4: Thy Kingdom Come
  • Chapter 5: Thy Will Be Done
  • Chapter 6: Our Daily Bread
  • Chapter 7: Forgive Us as We Forgive
  • Chapter 8: Lead Us Not into Temptation
  • Chapter 9: Deliver Us from Evil
  • Chapter 10: For the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory Are Yours
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